Do you see some watermarks from your ceiling or walls? The culprit could be the damage made by your old, unkempt roof. Sadly, no house is exempt from daily wear or tear, and even dream homes need regular maintenance checks and repairs. So whether the rains are coming or not, you may need to consider roof repair at your house. It may need more attention, especially if the house has been in existence for already two decades. Repairing a roof takes time, but not giving it the immediate reparation may lead to severe and costly consequences.
A bad roof will affect your property value.
You buy a house because the roof above your head keeps you and your family safe and dry. Eventually, you might want to sell your home for a better one. A weird-looking roof is seen a mile away and brings down the value of your house. No one in his right mind will buy a home with a poorly maintained roof. You could not hide it from prospective buyers even if you wanted to because there are many ways to know. So if you plan to sell your house in the future, make sure that there are roof repairing measures.
Beware of mold.
Not all mold is toxic. But the ones occupying the surface of your roof and possibly your ceilings can cause symptoms such as allergies, colds, skin irritations, and even respiratory problems. It is best to prevent these from happening by ensuring regular roof repair and cleaning if necessary.
Check insurance coverage.
House insurance companies cover damages to the insured house – roofing issues included – as long as reported in the primary stages of the problem. So early leaks should be reported for them to approve your claim. If your insurer finds out that you had the problem done a little too late, they might not give enough compensation. They may only provide a basic-repair amount. When that happens, you must shoulder the rest of the bill.
It would cost more if there were no maintenance.
No doubt about it, these repairs need to be done by a roofing professional. So, unfortunately, you cannot scrimp on this. Your roof maintenance frequency determines the amount. For instance, if water from a roof leak found its way to you, then the origin will always be far away from it and somewhere on your vast roof. The repair guys may trace it from a worn-out shingle or at the location of a loose nail, which is usually not anywhere near the original hole. The more areas discovered, the more chances of unearthing parts to be fixed. No chances of winning, since it will cost you a lot.
Your repairs could become replacements.
If a water leak is left alone for a long time, a variety of problems may arise. Aside from the mold, as mentioned earlier, the wood underneath the outer roof can already be rotten. Decaying planks can affect other parts, so the roofing guys need to replace it with newer and sturdier materials. Replacements for both wood and roof are expensive and will put a dent in your budget.
Prevention is always better than cure. Do not wait for the day when your roof wreaks vengeance on you and your family by breaking down. Have an annual or biannual roof inspection to avert any possible roofing problems.